

能登半島地震からの復興には、数年単位の長い時間がかかることが予想されます。そして、高齢化率50%を超える能登地域の「未来の描き手」となり「復興の担い手」となるのは、被災地出身の若者をおいて他にありません。一方で、給付型奨学金は独立行政法人日本学生支援機構から提供されるもの(10万円を給付)のみとなっており、現在大学等に在学中の被災地出身の学生は、今後、経済的な理由で学業の中断を余儀なくされる可能性があります。 被災地出身の若者には、能登半島復興に間接的に携わりながら学業などを通して自分の知識・経験を積み、そして大学等を卒業・終了後に地元である能登半島に戻り具体的な復興に携わる、そんな人財になって欲しいと考えおり、その為の支援を行っていきたいと考えています

活動・団体の紹介/What is Noto Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund?

<English follows Japanese>



The Noto Earthquake Evacuee Acceptance Fund is a voluntary organization established on January 6, 2024.

The Noto Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund is a voluntary nonprofit organization established on January 6, 2024 to support those who were affected by the recent major earthquake on the New Year’s day of 2024 in the Noto peninsula. The organization primarily consists of local citizens who grew up in or have relocated to the region, and is represented by Shungo Hayashi as the chairman and Keitaro Iwaki as a leading board of director. Our activities are focused on supporting the affected people in recovering from the disaster and rebuilding their communities with a long term goal to protect the region’s unique cultures, traditions and communities for future.

活動の背景/What happened to the Noto Peninsula?


A large scale earthquake in the magnitude of 7.6 struck across the Noto Peninsula and caused casualties of over 200 people by aftermaths including Tsunami, landslides and fires. Many of those who affected but survived are suffering from losing their houses, cars or other assets, particularity in the city of Suzu where 80% of the houses were destroyed by the compound disasters and 99% of the total households still does not receive water supply as of now. In addition to their physical damages, however, a greater loss is considered being future of the citizens, especially the young generation who currently go to college or were planning to start in the coming spring. This catastrophic event may lead to them giving up their education due to financial concerns with their family.

活動内容の詳細について/Our Activities


① 被災地出身の大学生等であること
② 卒業・終了後に能登半島の復興にあたることを制約すること
③ 月1回の復興会議に参加すること


Noto Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund offers a grant-based scholarship of 1.2M JPY per year per to new and existing college students from the affected area to strongly support them to continue their education. This is a countermeasures to their current circumstance where there are few to no financial aid provided by colleges or the other existing nonprofit organizations enough to continue education until the affected area is fully recovered. As a reference, the existing financial aid for the affected students from “Japan Student Services Organization”, Japan’s most notable education nonprofit, only offers 100K JPY per student which is worth a living expense for one month or less depending on where students live. We strongly believe that supporting the affected students is one of the most important mission for us to help the affected area not only recover at its earliest in the short term, but also rebuild a more sustainable community in the long term for the prosperity of the Noto peninsula, particularity because the Noto peninsula is a hyper aging society with >50% of its population being 65 years old or older. We must keep the light of hope on for the future.

Candidates we are looking for are - 1) new or existing students from the Noto peninsula; 2) willing to be engaged to recovery or rebuilding of the affected area during the college or after graduation; and 3) willing to participate monthly meetings Noto Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund will host to discuss the recovery/rebuilding process. The application process of this scholarship will utilize Gakshi’s (a Japanese online platformer specialized for scholarships) platform and selection process will be managed by board members of our fund. The raised fund will be distributed to selected students starting from April 1, 2024 and we will publish regular updates on the progress.

代表者メッセージ/Our message



My name is Keitaro Iwaki and I am the leading board of director of the Noto Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund. I was born and raised in Tokyo and did not have a connection to Noto, until I decided to move some of my company’s headquarter functions and relocate myself there in June 2021. Since then, Noto, particularly the city of Suzu has become my second home and I have been part of the region. Such a drastic decision was made because Noto looked to me an utopia where I could find everything I considered beauty of “Good Old Japan” such as untouched nature, small but intimidate community lives and long inherited cultures that are getting harder to find across the country due to rapid modernization or globalization. Contrary to this, the government estimated in 2015 that the population of Noto across multiple cities/municipals would be halved by 2045 in Noto and marked the region as “at risk of extinction” because of its geographical remoteness from the other part of the country as well as a combination of lower birthrate and hyper population ageing. I fear the recent compound disasters can accelerate the projected extinction much faster.

I believe rebuilding Noto is almost equivalent to rebuilding Japan as a whole since Noto can be seen as a representation of Japan’s future state. I also believe that the most important component of the rebuilding process is young people to contribute to the region in the long term, and hence supporting their growth in education and career is the most critical mission for us. Since we alone are not powerful enough, we are seeking your support to raise fund for our activity and mission. Please help Noto’s earliest recovery and rebuilding process.



寄付金の使い道について/How to use donations


From April 1, 2024, we will begin distributing your donations as scholarships to university students from the disaster-stricken areas.

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