特定非営利活動法人Alazi Dream Project

Registration Page for Alzai Dream Monthly Support

Alazi Dream Project is an international cooperation NGO working in the Republic of Sierra Leone, West Africa.

The Republic of Sierra Leone in West Africa, where we work, was once called "the country with the shortest life in the world" due to an 11-year civil war, and even today, 75% of the population lives on less than about $3 a day. *1

About 26% of all children do not graduate from junior high school because they are forced to stay in school or drop out due to their family's economic situation. *2

In addition, "young pregnancy" has become a major social issue.

Approximately 1.7% of girls in Kenema district, where we work, have dropped out of school due to young pregnancy.

  • In Islam, which 80% of the population adheres to, unmarried women are not allowed to have sexual intercourse and do not receive sex education at school or at home.
  • There is no economic or psychological access to contraceptives (about $0.5  per condom). For young students, kiosk staff will not sell them to them for religious reasons.
  • Abortion is prohibited, even in cases of sexual assault. 10%  of maternal deaths are due to unsafe abortion attempts, such as taking large doses of antibiotics or alcohol.
  • Young pregnancies also increase the risk of maternal death (1 in 100) by 50% and are the leading cause of teenage mortality.
  • Many become single mothers, making it financially difficult for them to continue their studies.
  • The "ban on pregnant students returning to school" until 2019 makes it psychologically difficult for them to return to school for fear of social stigma.
  • The state budget for education is very limited, and support for single teenage girls is an afterthought, even though they are the biggest cause of the educational gap between men and women.

As a result, there is no end to the number of girls who are unable to continue their studies due to pregnancy or childbirth, and the educational gap between men and women is serious.

To date, we Alazi Dream Project have provided educational opportunities for approximately 1,500 working children in the most economically challenged situations.

With the four approaches we are implementing this time, we will make even greater progress in social change surrounding the current situation of single- teenage mothers.

Please join us in creating a role model for social change as a monthly donation supporter of Alazi Dream Project!

We currently provide approximately 50 single - teenage mothers with the opportunity to return to school with a cash stipend of approximately $40 every three months.

  • Access to teenage single mothers with financial difficulties in cooperation with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the Ministry of Education, and local police
  • Careful interviews with teenage single mothers about their financial situation and family environment to select whether or not to provide support
  • Support for girls selected for support in transferring to a different school and registering to return to school
  • After that, check the economic environment, etc. at face-to-face hearings once every three months.
  • Implementation of cash transfers (approximately $40) once every three months to help pay for school uniforms, stationery, baby milk and medicine, school lunches, and transportation expenses

To deliver back-to-school support to a total of 70 single - teenage mothers, a monthly increase in monthly donation support of $400 is required.

In order to bring educational opportunities to more single teenage mothers, we will realize cash transfers through mobile money transfers.

Currently, about 90% of the population in Sierra Leone has a low-cost cell phone (about $30 ), and about 20% of the population uses "Orange Money", an electronic money transfer system, to pay public transportation fees (electricity and water), send money to distant relatives, and pay at stores.

In addition, the mobile money account enables anyone to save money, even if they lack collateral or credit and have difficulty opening a bank account.

Using mobie money and Orange Money, about 50 teenage - single mother, who live far away from the Kenema district office in Arazi Dream Project, will receive mobile money transfers.


The following are some of the benefits that will be realized.

  • Reducing the risk of accidents when teenage - single mothers travel by motorcycle from distant places
  • Reduction of the risk of mispayment of benefits due to inflation and the number of bills paid
  • Reduction of carrying risk when local staff withdraws large amounts of banknotes

*The remaining 20 participants will be asked to visit the office and respond to monitoring for the evaluation of the project.

In total, some of the 70 teenage - single mothers will need to purchase new cell phone SIM cards or provide new cell phones themselves.

This will require a monthly increase in monthly donation support of approximately $200.

We are implementing a sex education program, "Husband School", for male middle and high school students, with the aim of rooting out misogynistic cultural backgrounds, young pregnancies and sexual violence.

  • Women's right to education
  • Reproductive health, including menstruation and childbirth
  • Punishment when sexual assault occurs or is settled
  • Appropriate liaison agencies in case a woman becomes a victim
  • Cycle of treatment, aftercare, and criminal justice
  • Ten patterns of sexual consent

The course will cover such topics as the following.

We will attempt to correct the social gender gap by putting ourselves in the woman's shoes and thinking on the man's side.

The ultimate goal is for men themselves to be able to choose to use condom contraception during sexual intercourse.

To date, the program has been implemented in 67 schools/over 20,000 students (about 40%) in Kenema province, and will continue to be implemented in 2 or 3 schools per month with the goal of 156 schools (100%).

This will require a monthly increase in monthly donation support of approximately $200.

We Alazi Dream Project have established a local subsidiary, JaSiLe Foundation, employing two local staff and paying monthly income tax and pension with the support of a local accounting firm.

We believe that creating a mutually comfortable working environment while keeping the local staff safe is essential for expanding and continuing our activity while preventing fraud in the implementation of our activity.

As we expand our business, it will be essential to strengthen the following organizational infrastructure.

  • Regular training of local staff to prevent fraud
  • Purchase of a group vehicle (4WD) to reduce the risk of accidents when traveling by motorcycle to villages and schools
  • Increased salaries and health insurance for local staff

This will require a monthly increase in monthly donation support of approximately $200.

The total annual budget for the above three items is approximately $10,000.

We will supplement approximately 2.50% of that amount.

Teenage girls dropping out of school at the primary level means being cut off from all the financial benefits that come after an education.

100 new monthly donation supporters would generate approximately $10,000 per month, allowing us to continue to accomplish the four approaches listed above.

Graduating to middle school and high school will enable them to envision a wide range of futures afterwards. 

To deliver educational opportunities that will give children in the most difficult situations their first chance to become a society where they can strive for their dreams...

Do your part now by becoming a monthly donation supporter starting at $4 per month!

Supporter Message No.1

There are teenage - single mother girls in faraway Sierra Leone who are trying their best every day. May their future be filled with confidence and smiles through the spread of Alazi Dream Project's support activities!

Supporter Message No.2

In my work, I see many NPO/NGO activities, and among them Alazi Dream Project is always challenging new things. From local activities like this project to communication with donors. I urge you to keep an eye on Alazi Dream Project's  activities!

Supporter Message No.3

Your support will undoubtedly be a powerful step forward in helping Sierra Leone, one of the countries with the highest poverty rate in the world, to break free from poverty through children's education.


*2 Annual school census Sierra Leone, 2020より

    *Note when applying for Monthly Donation Supporter.

    • Please click the "Donate Now" button and select any amount by credit card. Donations can be done via computer, smartphone, or tablet.
    • In this page, we ask you to "support us from $4 per month", but the amount of your monthly donation depends on the exchange rate in Japanese Yen/$.
    • Once you have applied for this service, you will automatically be able to make a monthly donation by credit card. If you wish to cancel your subscription or renew your credit card, please contact the Alazi Dream Project Japan office (supporter@alazi.org).

    The person in charge of the business activity to which the donation will be applied:.

    • Yumemi Hasekura, President of Alazi Dream Project, a non-profit organization
    • Date of organization's commencement of activities: March 7, 2014
    • Date of incorporation of the organization: July 7, 2017
    • Number of officers and employees of the organization: 11
    特定非営利活動法人Alazi Dream Project
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