CHARM(Center for Health and Rights of Migrants)はすべての人が健康に過ごせる社会をめざして活動する市民団体です。1人の外国人HIV患者との出会いから2002年にスタートしたCHARMは、医療通訳や同行支援を行う一方保健所や医療機関と協働して外国人が医療にアクセスできる環境を築いています。


HIV陽性者が安心して相談できる場 ー 陽性者支援 ー
皆さまからのご寄付は、団体として活動を継続するための基盤 (事務所)、人 (事業を展開していくための人材育成など)、ツール (インターネットなどの通信費)、活動 (HIV陽性者支援、外国人母子保健支援など)に使わせていただきます。

From Contribution to Health!
Health for All especially those who have language barriers
Foreign population in Japan comprise 2.24% of total population. Its contributions to the rapidly aging communities of Japan were considerably significant.
Support systems for foreign residents with varied background are not sufficient, thus it is very common that foreign residents experience difficulties in accessing medical, public health and welfare services.
CHARM has been striving to establish networks and collaborate with local government offices, medical institutions and other NGOs to ensure that foreign residents are able to access to the appropriate services with least barrier.
People living with HIV and supporters who are trained in the area of HIV work together to provide information and conduct programs in safe and friendly atmospheres.
Support CHARM Join Us! Become a member!
CHARM runs its programs by government support, funding and private contributions. If you would like to support the health of foreign nationals, you might support CHARM by becoming a support member or make a contribution.
Contributions serve (1) to support the projects at developing stage and not yet supported by government funding, (2) to build human resources, (3) to enhance tools for facilitating communication, (4) maintenance of office (e.g. office building, office administrations and logistics), etc.
CHARM is currently supported by 60 support members and we hope to broaden our base of support to 100 persons so that the organization has a firm ground. Supporters will be informed with the situation of foreigners in the communities, information about infectious diseases, welfare system as well as the frontline services and projects of CHARM.
Activities and support programs are reported regularly on CHARM website. Please share with your community who might need medical service or information.