CHARM(Center for Health and Rights of Migrants)はすべての人が健康に過ごせる社会をめざして活動する市民団体です。1人の外国人HIV患者との出会いから2002年にスタートしたCHARMは、医療通訳や同行支援を行う一方、保健所や医療機関と協働して外国人が医療にアクセスできる環境を築いています。


From Contribution to Health!
From Contribution to Health!
CHARM is a non-profit organization (NPO) registered in Osaka City.
We work together with foreigners, HIV- positive people, healthcare professionals and the general citizen with the purpose of allowing everybody to live in a healthy manner.
Health for everybody, especially those who have language barriers
Number of foreign residents are increasing in Japan. However, the social services in Japan do not take into account that foreign residents will have chronic illness or disabilities.
Support systems for foreign residents with varied background are not sufficient, thus it is very common that foreign residents experience difficulties in accessing medical, public health and welfare services.
CHARM has been striving to establish networks and collaborate with local government offices, medical institutions and other NGOs to ensure that foreign residents are able to access to the appropriate services with least barrier.
Accurate and thorough communication in medical setting would assure patients service with qualities. Medical interpretation service is not accessible to everyone in the majority of hospitals in Osaka and its surrounding prefectures.
People living with HIV and supporters who are trained in the area of HIV work together to provide information and conduct programs in safe and friendly atmospheres.
CHARM organizes professional training to nurture interpreters specializing in healthcare and welfare, and provides interpreter dispatching service to hospitals and public offices.
How your contribution can help the service users
CHARM services are mainly funded by government funds, private funds, membership fee from supporters, and donations. For sustaining the organization and services, a firm base of supporters and contributors is needed. As long-term goals, CHARM aims at eliminating the discrimination against the infectious diseases and PLWHA, and also facilitating the good health of the foreign residents, in the Japanese society.
Professional knowledge and skills of helping profession are prerequisite of the aforementioned support services. Moreover, certain interpersonal skills and psychosocial characteristics are also required, e.g. compassion, patience and resilience. Therefore, CHARM provides series of training to staffs and volunteers for enhancing the service skills and working mindset (e.g. empathy to service users). Human resource development is a core of CHARM’s service maintenance. Your support and contribution can definitely be important resources for manpower development.