Let’s create a more inclusive world together.
Thank you very much for your interest to support our activities.
Please enter the following payment method and the required information and proceed to the payment page.
We are working on the English translation now, but please see the translation support until we introduce the translation feature. Apologise for your inconvenience.
Page 1:申込内容 Application details
決済方法: Payment method
カード: Credit card
銀行振込: Bank transfer
決済の頻度: Frequency of donation
今回のみ: One time
毎月: Monthly
金額: Amount of donation
合計金額: Total amount
円: Japanese Yen
必須: Mandatory to answer
次へ: Next
Page2: 申込者情報 Donnar information
個人: Indivisual
法人: Corporation
メールアドレス: Email address
氏名: Name
姓: Surname
名: First name
フリガナ: Pronounciation of name *Please keep it blank
性別: Gender
男性: Male
女性: Female
その他: Others
生年月日: Date of birth
年: Year
月: Month
日: Date
電話番号: Phone number
住所: Address * Please contact us in order to find your country from pull downs
郵便物の送付先を別途指定する: Want to designate another address as a postal address
認知経路: How did you know the IBF Foundation
ネット検索: Internet search
インターネットメディア: Internet media
メールマガジン: E-News letter
会報・チラシ: Brochure
講演・イベント: Conference / Event
友人・知人の紹介: Introduced by your friends
テレビ・新聞・ラジオ: TV / Newspaper / Radio
その他: Other
備考: Note
応援コメント: Cheering comment to the organisation
*If you do not want to publish your comments on the project page, please uncheck the box below.
公開するお名前: Name you want to publish on the project page
同意事項: Terms of Concent
決済サービスの利用規約・プライバシーポリシーに同意します: Agree with the terms of conditions and Privacy policy of the payment service
寄付決済サービスについて: About the donation payment service
クレジットカード決済について: About Credit card payment
決済のキャンセル・返金について: Cancellation / refund
<申込内容を修正: Revise the application
決済画面へ: Payment page