インターナショナル・ブラインドフットボール・ファウンデーション(IBF Foundation)

Let’s create a more inclusive world together.

Through our work with blind football, we realised the obstacles faced by the visually impaired lie not with the individuals, but within a society that has failed to foster their full potential. What could we achieve if we spread awareness to more people and solved these issues together?

Spreading the “fairness” and “inclusion” embodied by blind football to the world.

I believe that we have not yet realised a society in which people with disabilities can demonstrate their full potential. Lobbying and legal reforms are one way to achieve this. However, simply changing the system will not change people's minds, and without widespread support our society cannot truly move forward. This is where I believe blind football can contribute. I am convinced that blind football will shift hearts and minds and instigate lasting change. We also work with like-minded people all over the world who share our purpose. We will continue to expand our movement and create a brighter future by combining our strengths.

These are the three obstacles we will tackle with the help of your donation.


Decrease the number of visually impaired people.

Examples of actions: Improvement of the medical system, statistical surveys to determine the number and status of visually impaired people in each country/region, establishment of an information database on visual impairment, etc.


Improve the capabilities of visually impaired people.

Examples of actions: Utilising sports such as blind football, creating spaces for visually impaired people to come together through sports, planning workshops and training to remove communication barriers between those who can see and those who cannot, etc.


Eliminate discrimination surrounding visual impairment.

Examples of actions: Disseminating information through media, increasing the number of collaborators through partnerships and donations, collaborating with other organisations to raise awareness of diversity, etc.

In order to tackle with above three obstacles, we are doing the projects below;

1. Sport development
    We organise grant programmes in order to help development of blind football, such as, with providing the balls and eyeshades for clubs/organisations which has just started the sport or are starting the sport.
2. Visually impairment support
    We organises grant programmes in order to help organisations which supports visually impaired people in their respective countries/areas. We supported those organisations during the COVID-19 situation to help them to provide hygiene products and/or IT communication devices/tools. 
3. Research programme
   As information about the social circumstances and social system for visually impairment in each countries/areas is not accesible easily, there is a difficulties to provide appropriate support/approach to them. We are trying to gather those information and analyse it in order to the further support for visually impairment people in the world.

You can contribute to our movement in the following ways.

With your donation we can make the following impact.

  • We can give a blind football starter kit to organisations, each of which will provide opportunities for visually impaired individuals to be in touch with society.
  • We can launch a new grant programme to support visually impaired people in the world.
  • We can support a international friendly match between neigbouring countries in order to provide an international collaboration opportunity for visually impaired people.

Give Monthly

Choose the amount you would like to contribute monthly.

Give Once

Choose the amount you would like to contribute today. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q What credit cards can be accepted?

A. We support five brands: VISA, Master, JCB, Diners and American Express.

Q. Are there any payment methods other than credit card payment?

A. Yes. We also accept payment by bank transfer.

Q Why is there a "Give Monthly" option?

A. Continued support will help us stabilise our operations and provide support to more countries, regions and organisations. Our ability to go out into the field and provide assistance to solve problems in partnership with other organisations will also be supported by your continued support.

Q. Can I choose how my donation will be used?

A. At this time we only accept donations that support the overall activities of our organisation. However, once we have a procedure in place, we hope to begin a system of specified donations.

Q. Can I receive a tax deduction for my donation?

A. Our current legal entity is a general incorporated foundation so donations are not deductible. However, we are considering changing our corporate status and strengthening our organisational and operational structure for this purpose.

インターナショナル・ブラインドフットボール・ファウンデーション(IBF Foundation)
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