What is the "Group opposed to women-only car"
The "Group opposed to women-only car" (hereinafter referred to as the "Our organization") is trying to make more people aware that women-only car are promoting sex discrimination and prejudice (gender bias), and are wrong and go against the trend of modern society where diversity is valued. A voluntary organization that works to eliminate women-only car in order to raise awareness and restore the original state of public transportation, where both men and women can receive ride services equally regardless of gender. is.
Purpose of our organization
The purpose of our association is to completely abolish women-only car.
It may sound difficult to say this much, but we are not just appealing to railway operators to stop offering women-only car.
Up until now, we have presented various alternatives to railway operators, including the installation of security cameras, in an effort to completely abolish women-only car.
However, railway operators are insistent on maintaining and expanding women-only car, which is a discriminatory method, under the guise of ``anti-molestation measures,'' and there are alternative methods that are more effective and less discriminatory. They won't listen to you.
In order to prevent the number of women-only car from expanding as railway operators plan, and even if there are women-only car, they will become a mere skeletal, allowing the natural selection of women-only car, and eventually abolishing women-only car altogether. dares to make it a women-only car (We refer to this as "non-cooperative riding" and "optional confirmation riding"), and publicity campaigns to make the public aware that men can ride as well. We are conducting activities to make people aware of certain things.
Our organization claim
- 女性専用車両が「男性対策」になっています
現在の女性専用車両は実際は痴漢だけを乗せないようにしている痴漢対策ではなく、男性であれば痴漢でなくとも一人も乗せまいとするのに、女性であれば例え痴漢(痴女)であっても乗せまいとはしないことから、行っていることは【男性対策】であり、痴漢対策ではありません。 - 女性専用車両で発生する各差別に反対します
女性専用車両では統計的差別・慈悲的差別・性差別が同時複合的に発生しています。- 統計的差別
現代社会では特定の属性を一律に排除するような対策はやってはならないことの1つです。 - 慈悲的差別
慈悲的差別は差別される者にとって『楽』や『得』になりやすいので一見差別されていることに気づきにくく、また差別する者は「配慮できる人」のように肯定的に見られがちだが、その実は差別される者の自尊心・自立心・成長の機会を奪うため、なくすべき差別とされています。 - 性差別
- 統計的差別
- 手段は目的を正当化しません
仮に女性専用車両が『男性対策』ではなく、本当に『痴漢対策』であったとしても、痴漢対策自体は正当な目的であるが、その目的のために男性に痴漢犯が多いという理由で痴漢でない男性をも一律に排除するという手段は先述した典型的な統計的差別に当てはまり、統計的差別を行うことは不当な手段であることから、この格言で言えば女性専用車両は目的が正当であったとしても手段が不当なので、【女性専用車両は不当】ということになります。 - 「女性専用の空間は本当に安全なのか?」という懸念があります
Reasons to oppose women-only car
Our association opposes women-only car for the following main reasons:
- Women-only car are now designed for men.
The current women-only car are not actually designed to prevent molesters from getting on board, but rather, if it is a man, they will not let anyone get on board even if it is not a molester, but if it is a woman, even if the person is a molester, What we are doing is [measures against men], not against molesters, because they do not try to prevent people from riding. - We oppose all forms of discrimination that occur in women-only car.
In women-only car, statistical discrimination, benevolent discrimination, and gender discrimination occur simultaneously and in combination.
Please open below for an explanation of each type of discrimination.- statistical discrimination
What women-only car do is a typical example of statistical discrimination, where men are excluded across the board because men are more likely to commit molestation than women.
Statistical discrimination refers to discrimination that occurs as a result of taking measures against a certain attribute based on statistical data.
Statistical discrimination has occurred in various ways throughout history, and a famous example is apartheid, where "whites only" was allowed to take place because "black people have a high crime rate and are dangerous."
There has also been a lot of statistical discrimination against women.
For example, in recent years in Japan, statistical discrimination was found in the entrance exams of several medical schools in 2018, where female applicants were uniformly deducted points in order to increase the number of male doctors as much as possible, on the grounds that "there are fewer female doctors who choose difficult departments that involve long working hours compared to male doctors."
Statistical discrimination that should not be done against black people or women should naturally not be done against white people or men either.
In modern society, measures that uniformly exclude certain attributes are one of the things that should not be done. - Benevolent Discrimination
Women-only car create a (latent) consciousness that "women are weak, poor creatures who cannot deal with molestation as adults in the same way as men, and therefore are inferior beings who need to be protected by men," and are a typical example of compassionate discrimination.
Compassionate discrimination refers to the consideration and care shown to people who are considered to be in a weaker position that ends up becoming discrimination.
An example of compassionate discrimination is "exempting someone from carrying heavy objects." If this is done "because she is a child," it is not discrimination but a reasonable consideration. However, if this is done "because she is a woman," women are not children, so treating women like children is compassionate discrimination.
Other examples of compassionate discrimination that are often practiced against women include not making them work overtime, exempting them from responsible work, and creating a quota for women.
Compassionate discrimination is easy and advantageous for those who are discriminated against, so at first glance it is difficult to notice that they are being discriminated against, and those who discriminate are often seen positively as "considerate people," but in reality it deprives those who are discriminated against of their self-esteem, independence, and opportunities for growth, and is therefore considered discrimination that should be eliminated. - Sexism
Sexism in women-only car occurs as both sex discrimination and discrimination against women.
Sexism is based on gender, which in principle cannot be changed, and is rooted in gender stereotypes.
From the perspective of discrimination against men, in public transportation where anyone can ride fairly as long as they pay the fare, restricting someone's use, even if it is just a request because they are a man, constitutes discrimination against men.
From the perspective of discrimination against women, excluding men in women-only car and creating a space for women only makes both themselves and others aware that "women are unable to defend themselves or fight back against crime," and causes them to lose their rebellious and competitive spirit against female crime. In other words, this means that women are viewed as unable to respond in the same adult manner as men, and is discrimination against women.
- statistical discrimination
- The means do not justify the ends
There's an old saying that "the means do not justify the ends."
This says that even if the ends are legitimate, if the means to achieve those ends are unjust, the entire series of events is unjust.
Even if women-only car are not a "measure against men" but truly an "measure against molesters," the measure itself is a legitimate aim, but the method of uniformly excluding men who are not molesters on the grounds that there are more molesters than women in order to achieve that aim falls under the typical statistical discrimination mentioned above, and statistical discrimination is an unjust means, so according to this saying, even if the end of women-only car is legitimate, the means are unjust, and so "women-only car are unjust." - There is a concern: "Are women-only spaces really safe?"
In a mass murder that occurred at a facility for people with disabilities in Kanagawa Prefecture in 2016, the perpetrator entered through a women's only building, thinking that "female staff members would be less resistant," and the damage spread.
In addition, in August 2022, a female junior high school student in Shibuya suddenly stabbed a mother and daughter who happened to be walking in front of her in the back with a knife, and there have been several random incidents committed by women in public places.
It is important not only to take measures against sexual crimes such as molestation, but also to ensure overall safety on trains.
In the random murder incident that occurred on a Tokaido Shinkansen train in June 2018, a male passenger evacuated an injured female passenger while confronting the perpetrator and preventing the damage from spreading, although he ultimately died.
Just as women are not weak, men are not strong, but as long as there are criminals who believe this out of prejudice, spaces with men are actually safe spaces as a deterrent.
In that sense, spaces where various people, including men, exist are the basic safety measures.
It's the same logic behind why it's safe for children to go to school if their parents accompany them.
As you can see, while there are men and women who perpetrate crimes against women, it is also men who rescue women who are being victimized.
- 警察官の車内への乗車(列車内警乗)
- ホームへの警察官の配置
- 各ドア横への非常通報ボタンの設置
(迷惑行為を含め、急病人発生などいくつかの事案をボタン別に) - 登録市民ボランティアを活用した犯罪抑止
その他、詳しくは こちら(当会について) をご覧ください。
Our association proposes measures to combat molestation that do not involve women-only car.
Our association is proposing that, rather than "women-only car, which do not reduce molestation (because molesters simply move to other cars) and which try to exclude men by labelling them as potential molesters simply because they are men," we should instead "install in-car security cameras, which do not constitute discrimination against men (and women) in public places and have been highly effective in reducing the number of molestation cases on the JR Saikyo Line by 60%."
In addition, we also recommend the following measures to combat sexual harassment:
- Allowing security guards or police officers to ride on the train (train security guards)
- Police presence on platforms.
- Installation of emergency call buttons next to each door (separate buttons for various issues, including nuisance behavior, sudden illness, etc.)
- Crime prevention using registered citizen volunteers
(victim consultation, surveillance, etc.)
For more information, please click here (about us).
How to use your donation
- 当会会員の女性専用車両への乗車活動をはじめとした活動費
- 当会運営に関わる費用
- 当会会員同士の交流に関わる費用
The donations received will be used for the following purposes.
- Expenses for activities such as boarding of women-only car for our members
- Expenses related to the operation of this organizations
- Expenses related to interaction between our members
Thank you for your contribution.