Team大川 未来を拓くネットワーク

大川に再び子どもの笑顔が溢れるコミュニティを! Community Design Project

Team大川 未来を拓くネットワークは津波の被害を受け、人が減り住めなくなっていく,,,そんな故郷にまた子どもたちが笑顔で走り回れるようなコミュニティを再生する為に活動しています。未来の子どもたちの為にご寄付よろしくお願いいたします。 Team Okawa: The Future Network is working to rebuild communities where children can run around with smiles on their faces again in their hometowns, which were devastated by the tsunami and are becoming less populated and uninhabitable. Please donate for the sake of future children

活動・団体の紹介 About Us

Team大川 未来を拓くネットワークは、東日本大震災当時の大川小学校の子どもたち108名のいのちを真ん中に。子供たちの生きた証を次世代へ継承していくために発足しました。


Team Okawa: Open the Future Network is centered on the lives of 108 children at Okawa Elementary School at the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake. It was established to pass on the living proof of the children's lives to the next generation.


Okawa Elemenrary School

石巻市立大川小学校は宮城県石巻大川地区にあった、150 年近い歴史を持つ川、山、海に囲まれた自然豊かな学校でした。しかし2011 年3月 11 日の東日本大震災の 津波で、全校生徒 108 名中、 74 名の児童が死亡あるいは行方不明となりました。教 員も 10 名が亡くなってしまいました。「Team 大川 未来を拓くネットワーク 」は、東日本大震災当時の大川小学校の子どもたち 108 名のいのちを真ん中に、子ども達の生きた証を次世代へ継承していくため発足しまし
た。震災で犠牲になった74 名の子どもたちと 10 名の先生たちはもちろん、34 名の助かった子どもたちと家族にも目を向けていきたい。そんな思いが『 108 名の子どものいのちを真ん中に 』 という言葉に込められています。

Located in the Okawa district of Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, Ishinomaki Municipal Okawa Elementary School had a nearly 150-year history as a school surrounded by rivers, mountains, and the sea and rich in nature. However, the tsunami caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011 killed or left missing 74 students out of 108 students. 10 teachers also lost their lives.

活動内容の詳細、実績について What We Do

コミュニティデザインプロジェクト Community Design Project


We will create a base of activity where businesses and jobs can be created by taking advantage of the charms of the Okawa area, with an emphasis on the balance of "playing, eating, and learning. We are currently constructing a building on the land in front of the Okawa Elementary School with the full cooperation of Container House 2040jp Inc. and taking the first step toward creating a new community. The land and building will be used to operate a café where people can enjoy food and drink and talk with each other. We are considering the development of an outdoor space where people can enjoy music and entertainment. We are working to create a space where people and young people can come back and work with peace of mind.

講演活動  Lectures 


We speak to school-based groups throughout Japan about disaster prevention and saving future lives, using Okawa Elementary School as a model case. We have also had the opportunity to speak to people of all ages about the importance of community and disaster prevention.

現地ガイド Guiding at Okawa Elementary School


We offer Okawa Elementary School field guides for individuals, groups, and companies. We set our rates for our sustainable activities and are currently developing a 90-120 minute guide that utilizes our basic philosophy.

おかえりプロジェクト Okaeri Project 


We hold an event to light paper lanterns at Okawa Elementary School every year in time for the Obon Festival. We light paper lanterns with messages for the future from the children and people we have had the opportunity to meet during our visiting lectures and guided tours.

代表 只野哲也について About Our Leader Tetsuya Tadano


Our team leader, Tetuya, Tadano, he was one of four students at Okawa Elementary School in Ishinomaki City who survived the tsunami that killed 74 students and 10 teachers. He was a fifth grader (11 years old) at the time. He lost his grandfather, mother, and younger sister in the tsunami.

12年前の地震発生時、児童たちは教室で帰りの会の途中でした。全校児童はいったん校庭に避難。皆で近くの橋のたもとまで逃げる途中で津波に遭遇、代表の只野は即座に引き返し 裏山を駆け上ったが激流 に叩きつけられて気絶。目が覚めたら土砂に埋もれ ていた。助かった同級生と山の上へ登っていき、そこに避難していた人たちと合流。凍える寒さの中で一晩を明かした。家族も友だちも亡くし、町全体が土砂の底に沈んだ。正気では生きられない状況の中で「大人にこれ以上心配をかけられない。私たち子ど もたちは素直さや子ども らしさを失っていました。しかし心理サポートチー ムによるていねいな心の ケアのおかげで私たちは 『遊ぶ・食べる・学ぶ』の感 覚をだんだんと取り戻していきました」

Twelve years ago, when the earthquake struck, the children were in the middle of a homeroom in their classrooms. All the children evacuated to the school grounds. While everyone was escaping to the foot of a nearby bridge, they were hit by a tsunami. He, Tadano immediately turned around and ran up a hill, but was knocked down by the torrent and fainted. When I woke up, He was buried under the mud and sand. He and his classmate, who survived, climbed to the top of the mountain and joined the others who had taken shelter there. He spent the night in the freezing cold. He lost His family and friends, and the entire town sank to the bottom of the mud and sand. In the midst of such an insane situation, He thought, "I can't let the adults worry about me anymore”. Children had lost their honesty and childlike nature. But thanks to the psychological support team's attentive care, they gradually regained our sense of “play, eat, and learn”.

寄付金の使い道について How we use the fund 

Team大川 未来を拓くネットワークの活動を継続、拡大するために、ご支援をお願いしております。ご寄付は、現在建設を予定しています建物の建設費用、内装、その他大川小学校周辺に新たなコミュニティを造るために大切に活用させていただきます。

We are planning to build a building in March/April right next to the Elementary school to rebuild the community destroyed by the Tsunami for the next generation. The fund will be used to to buld a building in front of Okawa Elementary School.

Team大川 未来を拓くネットワーク
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