
大変な1年でしたが、 みなさんのおかげで活動を継続できました。 It has been a challenging year for us, however, we have managed to

2020年から引き続くコロナ感染拡大、そして昨年の2月に起きた軍事クーデターによって、ミャンマーの人々は厳しい状況に追い込まれました。2022年は軍による弾圧が強くなった一方、国際社会からの有効な支援も届けられていないため、私たちにとって「挑戦の年」でした。 しかしその一方、市民同士よりご支援や応援メッセージで励ましを多くいただき、新たな取り組みである寄付サイトを立ち上げることができました。 こうした挑戦ができたのはみなさんの温かい励ましの言葉があったからこそだと思っています。本当にどうもありがとうございました。 The pandemic of COVID-19 since 2020, and the military coup that occurred in February last year, have put the people of Myanmar into a difficult situation. The year 2022 was a “year of challenge” for us, as the suppression by the military has intensified, and effective support from the international community has not been delivered. However, on the other hand, as we received a lot of encouragement from the fellow citizens, we were able to establish donation sites to support Myanmar. We believe that we were able to take on this challenge thanks to everyone's warm regards and encouragement. Thank you so much.

本団体の3大ニュース Big news



世界中にいるメンバーと支援者みんなで集まることができないならオンラインでできることをしようと考え、「オンラインアート展」を開催しました。 思ったより多くの方にご参加いただき、作品の売り上げもよかったので、有意義のある活動でありました。










① Organizing a virtual art exhibition

Since all the members and supporters around the world can't get together, we decided to organize a "Virtual art exhibition" as a charity event. It was a meaningful activity as a lot of people participated, and purchased the artworks.


②Implementation of crowdfunding

To provide medical and food assistance to people in need in Myanmar, we collaborated to implement a crowdfunding project as an organization-in-charge. We are grateful to all the supporters who helped us achieve 156% of our target amount of fund.


(3) Establishment of Congrant Donation Sites

We were finally able to establish donation sites as "monthly donation” and “one-time donation” that members and supporters of the organization were working on. It was the result of the members contributing various roles in the planning and implementation phases. It is also the result of our hard work without giving up although we had to pass a lengthy review process. 

We have uploaded the report of our activity using the fund you have provided.  Please see the details here.

2023年に向けて Expections for 2023




While we have grown significantly as an organization through various challenges, we have also come across some issues. In particular, we need more communication among members. We will improve so that we can continue to support the people of Myanmar who are suffering from the devastating consequences of the coup d'etat.

In 2023 as well, we hope that we can continue to move forward together with all of you in accordance with our values and professionalism. Thank you for your continued support.



International Society of Myanmar Scholars and Professionals needs your support. Please continue supporting us to implement mental health care and education, medical care and livelihood support for refugees, and support for unemployed people to start businesses.

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