
JCAキャビンクルー支部応援募金「キャビンクルーの働き方改革で航空の安全と未来を支えよう」 Support Fund for JCA

ジェットスタージャパンは2012年に就航し、私たちは日本におけるLCCの展開と路線拡充に誇りを持って取り組んできました。しかしその後、一方的な勤務変更指示や疲労問題が発生し、2018年にキャビンクルー有志によりJCAは結成されました。しかしその後の道のりも決して平坦ではなく、その後も労働条件の一方的な不利益変更や執行部への不当な懲戒処分などの不当労働行為に立ち向かっています。様々な困難がありますが航空会社の最優先事項である安全とその安全を支える仲間を守るため、また私たちの活動が業界全体のキャビンクルーの働き方改善に繋がることを願い活動して参ります。どうぞ皆様のご賛同とご寄付をお願い申し上げます。 Jetstar Japan launched in 2012, expanding LCC routes in Japan. Fatigue from schedule changes and long hours led cabin crew to form JCA in 2018. Despite unfair labor practices, JCA ensures safety and supports colleagues. We aim to improve industry working conditions and appreciate your donation.


JCA(ジェットスタークルーアソシエーション)は、2018年にジェットスタージャパンのキャビンクルーによって設立された社内組合です。 航空会社にとって「安全」は最優先事項です。 JCAはキャビンクルーの適正な労働時間、賃金、公正な待遇を確保し、安全で健全な労働環境を構築することが日々の安全運航には不可欠であると考えています。 さらに時代の変化に対応するため、多様性を尊重し、フライトのSWAP制度の維持や拡充、新たな時短勤務制度の提案などでディーセント・ワークを追求する取り組みを推進しています。 組合員の声をもとに、私たちは新しい組合のあり方を提案し、安全と公正を基盤にした持続可能な航空業界の構築に貢献することを目指して日々、明るく楽しく活動しています。

About JCA (Cabin Crew Branch)

JCA (Jetstar Crew Association) is an in-house union established in 2018 by the cabin crew of Jetstar Japan. For an airline, "safety" is the top priority. JCA believes that ensuring appropriate working hours, wages, and fair treatment for cabin crew, as well as creating a safe and healthy working environment, is essential for the daily safe operation of flights. Furthermore, to adapt to changing times, we respect diversity and promote efforts to pursue decent work by maintaining and expanding the flight SWAP system and proposing new shorter working hour systems. Based on the voices of our union members, we aim to propose new ways of union operation and contribute to the construction of a sustainable aviation industry founded on safety and fairness. We engage in our activities daily with a positive and enjoyable spirit.


近年、LCCは航空業界の中で急速に成長し、空の旅をより身近に、多くの方々に利用していただけるための一翼を担っています。 ジェットスターの就航以来、私たちもLCCの普及と発展を願い真摯に取り組んで参りました。 しかしコスト削減と運営効率を追求するLCCビジネスモデルの特性から長時間労働や一方的な勤務変更などによる疲労や健康問題、また賃金や労働条件の切下げによるモチベーションの低下などの労働問題が多く報告されるようになりました。 これらの問題は航空の最優先事項である安全性に直結することから会社と共に問題解決を図るために労働組合JCAが結成されました。 しかし、会社は組合の中心的な人物に対して厳しい懲戒措置を取るなどして、組合活動を抑圧しています。 その結果、声を上げることが難しくなり、航空業界で求められる高いコンプライアンス意識や安全性に関する懸念すら表明しにくくなっています。 これが航空機の運航や安全に直結する潜在的なリスクを見過ごす可能性もあります。 それでもJCAはどのような圧力にも屈することなく、労使協調の重要性を理解し、建設的な対話を通じてキャビンクルーが安心して働ける環境を築き、持続可能かつ安全な航空会社の実現を目指しています。

Background of Activities and Social Issues

labor issues such as long working hours, unilateral changes in work schedules leading to fatigue and health problems, and declining motivation due to wage cuts and deteriorating working conditions. These issues are directly related to safety, the top priority in aviation, prompting the formation of the JCA labor union to work with the company to address these problems. However, the company has suppressed union activities by taking strict disciplinary actions against key union members. As a result, it has become difficult to raise voices, even expressing concerns about the high compliance standards and safety required in the aviation industry. This could lead to overlooking potential risks directly related to aircraft operations and safety. Despite these challenges, JCA remains undeterred by any pressure, recognizing the importance of labor-management cooperation. Through constructive dialogue, we aim to create an environment where cabin crew can work with peace of mind and realize a sustainable and safe airline.





Safety-related activities

We are a member of the Japan Federation of Civil Aviation Workers' Unions for Air Safety, also known as JFAS. Together with unions and aviation personnel from various civilian aviation workplaces such as pilots, air traffic controllers, meteorologists, cabin crew, maintenance engineers, and ground handlers, we are engaged in activities to request improvements from the government and airlines to eradicate aviation accidents and enhance safety.

Japan Federation of Civil Aviation Workers' Unions for Air Safety (JFAS)

CISM(Critical Incident Stress Management)について



About CISM(Critical Incident Stress Management)

At JCA, we have initiatives to provide 'Disaster Stress Care' to colleagues and aviation personnel in the event of aircraft accidents or similar incidents. Many JCA members have participated in and obtained PSV (Peer Support Volunteer) qualifications through CISM seminars supported by the JFAS. This allows them to promptly and effectively implement stress care for their colleagues in the workplace during incidents




  • 東京地裁にて賃金の不利益変更の合理性に関する訴訟
  • 東京地裁にて休憩時間のない長時間労働に関する訴訟
  • 東京地裁にて組合執行部2名(キャビンクルー)に対する懲戒処分の取り消しに関する訴訟
  • 千葉労働委員会にてJCA執行委員長に対する不当労働行為救済申立審査
  •  ストライキ参加者に対する不当労働行為に関する不当労働行為救済申立(準備中)

Details of Activities and Achievements

The JCA has repeatedly attempted to resolve issues such as fatigue problems faced in the workplace, unilateral deterioration of working conditions, and unpaid wages through discussions with the company. Unfortunately, the company has not sincerely addressed these issues, leading to court cases and strikes. Unfair labor practices, such as unjust disciplinary actions against union executives, tangible and intangible pressure on union members, and intervention and undermining of the union, have been repeated, resulting in civil lawsuits and applications for relief from unfair labor practices each time.

Here are the ongoing disputes:

  • Wage dispute case regarding the rationality of unfavorable changes in wages pending at the Tokyo District Court.
  • Rest break dispute case regarding long working hours without breaks pending at the Tokyo District Court.
  • Disciplinary action dispute case regarding the cancellation of disciplinary measures against two union executives (cabin crew) pending at the Tokyo District Court.
  • Unfair labor practice relief petition pending at the Chiba Labor Commission regarding the disciplinary action against the JCA Executive Committee Chairman as an unfair labor practice.
  • Preparation for unfair labor practice relief petition regarding unfair labor practices against participants in the strike.



JCAキャビンクルー支部 木本薫子

As the representative of Jetstar Crew Association (JCA) Cabin Crew Branch, I sincerely appeal to you all. We are actively engaged in various initiatives aimed at protecting the rights and improving the working environment of cabin crew, adapting to the demands of the new era. Your support and donations are crucial to sustain and further develop these efforts, serving as a pillar of support for JCA. We kindly ask for your contribution to the JCA Support Fund to help build a better future for cabin crew in the aviation industry.

Kaoruko Kimoto, JCA Cabin Crew Branch

寄付金の使い道について / How Donations Will Be Used


裁判費用 -労働者の権利を守るための法的闘争に必要な費用として活用しています。これにより、不当な懲戒処分や不当労働行為、賃金の不利益変更などの問題に対する法的対応を強化しています。




Donations from everyone will be used for the following important activities:

The costs of litigation - These funds are utilized to protect workers' rights through legal battles. This strengthens legal responses to issues such as unfair disciplinary actions, unfair labor practices, and unfavorable wage changes.

Attorney Fees: Used to pay for attorneys specialized in labor issues. By receiving expert legal support, we can more effectively protect workers' rights.

Union Activity Costs: Used for the everyday operational expenses necessary for union activities. This includes costs for meetings, material preparation, and public relations activities.

Your support greatly empowers our activities. Thank you.

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